What people think about creative communities!

"It was fun, respectful, and inclusive."
- Wainuiomata Makeover
"The mall has been transformed. It is just amazing what has been done. It is a pleasure to walk along it now."
- Mildura Makeover
"It was an amazing experience all around. I can’t wait to start the next phase!"
- Marton Makeover
"You don’t realise what you can do until you try sometimes... We’ve really enjoyed it. It has been a real community, great fun time."
- Mildura Makeover
"I enjoyed meeting lots of new people from my community and all sharing in the vision of completing the makeover."
- Wainuiomata Makeover
"I didn’t know what I was letting myself in for, but it is great to be working on something that is a bit constructive and creative, rather than being part of the complainers."
- Mildura Makeover
"I enjoyed the community spirit that took over during the week, how people pulled together... and created a truly beautiful project."
- Marton Makeover
"The amount of jobs that were achieved was far more than you could have imagined with such a small amount of time to plan it. It has given good ownership to the community..."
Mildura Makeover
"It gave me a real sense of the community I live in, a feeling of having contributed to something really positive and helpful."
Wainuiomata Makeover
"Thanks for such a great memory."
- Paihia Makeover
"I recommend that all public neighbourhood traffic officials from every city or town in America attend this course."
- JJ Folsom, Urban designer/Landscape Architect, Boulder, Colorado
"Fabulous and insightful… “out of the box”… taps common people’s inner genius."
- Dr Linda Crider, Dept. of Transport, Florida
"David’s ability to dream and imagine, and his work to inspire the same in others created an exciting atmosphere… magical..."
- Bernie Kowey, Coordinator, Way To Go! School Program, Vancouver
"David’s involvement, teachings and commitment to Paihia was and continues to be one of those key factors.David’s input and skills are recognised community wide and that is why in 2013 David was made an honorary local.”
- Grant Harnish, Focus Paihia Community Trust Chairman
"The best in-class educational experience I have ever had — and I have been to a lot of training!! David’s creativity is inspiring – he creates a most wonderful learning environment."
- Catherine Ratte, Senior Planner, Western Massachusetts
"David helps us figure out creative ways to not just solve traffic problems, but a wide range of problems. Really pushes the envelope."
- Paul Zykofsky, Local Government Commission, California
"The best pedestrian and bicycle innovations come from Down Under. David Engwicht, perhaps my ultimate mentor, consistently supplies highly affordable, implementable, fun and power-packed solutions."
-Dan Burden, Walkable Communities, USA
"Hamton engaged David Engwicht as Place Making consultant on our Eden, Haven and Sanctuary development in Abbotsford. His creative input was invaluable at the macro stage (masterplanning the development to be pedestrian friendly) and the micro stage (design of furniture and layouts of common spaces to encourage interactions) and has undoubtedly contributed to the project winning the 2016 UDIA National Awards for Excellence in the High Density Housing category and also the President’s Award for the best project across all 9 categories."
- Matthew Malseed, Managing Director
"Fantastic... way ahead of most academic thinking in the field..."
- School of Resource Management, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver.
"David Engwicht is one of the world’s most inventive thinkers and writers on creating vibrant public spaces... Although never formally trained as an urban planner, Engwicht’s innovative approach to community engagement and his revolutionary ideas about traffic management make him a highly sought-after expert in the field."
- Project for Public Spaces – New York
"I didn’t know what I was letting myself in for, but it is great to be working on something that is a bit constructive and creative, rather than being part of the complainers."
- Mildura Makeover
"I enjoyed the community spirit that took over during the week, how people pulled together... and created a truly beautiful project."
- Marton Makeover
"David’s ability to dream and imagine, and his work to inspire the same in others created an exciting atmosphere… magical..."
- Bernie Kowey, Coordinator, Way To Go! School Program, Vancouver
"David’s involvement, teachings and commitment to Paihia was and continues to be one of those key factors.David’s input and skills are recognised community wide and that is why in 2013 David was made an honorary local.”
- Grant Harnish, Focus Paihia Community Trust Chairman
"The best in-class educational experience I have ever had — and I have been to a lot of training!! David’s creativity is inspiring – he creates a most wonderful learning environment."
- Catherine Ratte, Senior Planner, Western Massachusetts
"David helps us figure out creative ways to not just solve traffic problems, but a wide range of problems. Really pushes the envelope."